Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Recently I have been wondering....

Is there something wrong with a 27 year old person eating the same consistency of food as her 7 month old baby??

I know you are laughing, but I am not kidding. I am making the same things for dinner that I have always made, and when I am not able to chew it up, I throw it in the Magic Bullet and mix it all up until it is like baby food. HA HA! I am laughing because I eat this stuff, and it tastes REALLY good! Like it almost tastes better because there is an even mixture of everything.

I have been eating a lot of Baked Potatoes because it feels good on my teeth and gums. So I have been searching for good foods that are nice and smooth for my recovering mouth. I have had a milkshake EVERY night since my Oral Surgery, and I am pretty sure I will be gaining all the weight back that I lost when I had Landon! ( THANKS to my Hubby for supplying me with the Milkshakes that are OUT OF THIS WORLD)

One of my recent realizations is that I CAN HAVE BROWNIES!! YEP! It took me 5 days to realize this... I know, I know... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??

I am not sure how everyone else cuts up brownies, but I am a "realist"

I cut my Brownies into 6 pieces, I mean after all I am going to eat 5 (if not all) of the pieces myself, WHY waste the energy cutting them, and then having to get up and get more to put on my plate to eat later?
I am trying to make the best of a crazy situation... :) (total side note... don't you love my blue Pyrex Pan?)


Unknown said...

I guess I've always been in denial about my brownie pieces. I always thing that by cutting them up smaller, I'll eat smaller portions. Yeah right, never happens.

Bird is the Word said...

Nichole! LOL Next time you make brownies join yhr dark side and cut them into big pieces, Bryce will be wondering what is going on! HAHA

LIZ said...

I cut my brownies into 16 pieces like a sissy! I need to try it your way, so I'm eating only 1 brownie instead of 5! Oh, and that sounds so much better ;) (I have that blue pan too!)

SuzQuez said...

I STILL love gerber Mixed baby cereal.

SuzQuez said...

Does Matt make the shakes? What is your brownie recipe? (a box?)