Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ode to my Mother ~




Whatever it is you are called by the
MANY people who ADORE you...
Your FIRST adoring fan is Hailey. Hailey LOVES to call her and talk to her on the phone, and asks us often when we get in the car if we are going to see Grandma and SharShar. (Sharon my sister) Just the other week Hailey got her suitcase and dressed herself and was waiting by the front door to "GO GO GO" When I asked her where she wanted to Go, she said " To Grandma, and Grandma's and Shar-share and Preston." It was TOO cute... yes, she calls Grandpa Grandma too! We hope she will sing Happy Birthday to her when we call tonight...

And her is her next adoring fan... Landon. He likes her because she takes good care of him when we go places. He thinks Grandma Andersen is SO funny! When he was a baby she could get him to giggle just by talking to him! It is so fun when we go to visit to see how excited the kids get to see their Grandparents.

And this is my mom at her best! Giving Hailey a TREAT after dinner. My kids are SO spoiled by my mother, and I appreciate it because I remember being spoiled as a kid by my grandparents and how much LOVE I felt!

My mom is AMAZING! She can cook ANYTHING! She can mend any clothes that need it! She can make anything! She is such a helpful and loving person, no wonder she has so many crazy fun friends!! I know if I need help with anything I can give her a call and she is there ready to help in any way possible! THANKS mom!!

And of course her last two adoring fans are Matt and I... we are ETERNALLY in DEBT for all the love and help you have given us! She has been supportive of everything and anything we do from day one! THANKS A BUNCH MOM! WE LOVE YOU TO PIECES!!

I hope my mom is able to relax and enjoy her birthday! We want you to know that we love you SOOO much mom! We hope ALL YOUR WILDEST Dreams come true!! Have a safe and fun Birthday weekend!

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