Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Young Women's in Excellence 2013

Our Theme for YW in Excellence this year was "Making Personal Progress Personal!" We had each of our YW choose one of the eight Value's to share an Experience about for Personal Progress. We had a beautiful spiritual meeting, then we headed to the YW Room to enjoy this...
The Candy Bar...
 Each person was given a baggie and told to ENJOY...

We had a candy colored to match each Value AND then a few rainbow options!
 It was a GREAT night had by all! 
Simple and Perfect in every way!!


Lindsey and Jared said...

Suuuuper cute! Nice job!

Lauren H said...

This looks really cute. Would you be willing to share your program outline? I've just been called to YW as 2nd counselor and our YW in Excellence night was not planned by my predecessor, so now I'm scrambling to figure out what to do! Thanks. :)

Bird is the Word said...

sure Lauren H. Let me see if I can attach my program outline to the post...

Bird is the Word said...

It is a google docs and I wont let me add the attachment... Lauren send me your email and I can send you the outline! :)