Thursday, October 2, 2014


Yesterday was my 33rd Birthday...
Or at least I think so... I was born in 81... quick Math.... yeah I am 33!
My husband started a new job with VWR.
My oldest two children went to school.
My youngest went to play at a friends house for the day...
SO I was ALONE!!!


I went shopping ALONE! I was in one store for TWO HOURS! No one bugging me... needing snacks... wanting to go... it was HEAVEN.
And before people start saying "You will miss the Chaos when they grow up..."


I won't!
I promise...
Check back on this blog in 20 years and I guess we shall see.

So I was shopping alone. THEN I had lunch and no one tried to eat MY food, or drink my drink... and I actually SAT DOWN and ate lunch... that NEVER happens! Usually I am eating left overs from the kids or trying to multitask while I eat a PB&J...

So there really is no point to this post... just that I have not posted in a while... yeah I suck... whatever... One day I will get my crap together and be on here more updating ALL the wonderful things we do... but until that day just know that I had a GREAT birthday this year!! :)

1 comment:

Lauren Green said...

Happy birthday to you! That sounds like a perfect birthday. I love my kids, but I love time to myself too :)