Saturday, September 4, 2010


I let myself get SO worked up about what other people think about me...
I get hurt when people see me for someone I am not, and I want to change their idea of who I am...
If someone wants to pass judgement on me before even getting to know me, then WHY would I care what they think about me??
I know... I know...
What other people think about me does not matter...
BLAH BLAH BLAH... but easier said than done...
LATE LAST NIGHT... and I mean LATE... my girlfriends and I (SHOUTOUT to: AMY, AMBER, and MEGAN... HOLLA) were just hanging out, eating bonbon's (literally, I made bonbon's because that is what I tease Megan I do all day is eat bonbon's and watch TV) and just talking. Most of our conversations are about our kids, or our husbands or lack thereof... we laugh about something stupid that happened that week, or re-hash something dumb we put on facebook back and forth. We just hang out and have fun. We can be ourselves because there REALLY is no judgement being passed. I know I can open up to these girls and they truly care about me and we all want to help each other get better...
Well, last night I was telling the girls how much it bothers me when people don't like me, or judge me because of something stupid. It makes me angry because I don't have the happy go lucky life they think I have. And that it also makes me angry that when people say mean things to me, I don't say what I want to say back to them. Anyway, I asked HOW do I get over what other people think or say about me?
I got the usual answer "It does not matter what other people think."
In my mind I kept thinking "yes it does."
Then Amber said "WHY do you care what other people think?" "They don't matter, why let them matter." and it HIT me...
Why do I make room in my life for "mean people"
Why do I let RUDE comments get under my skin...
Before my conversation with my girlfriends I wanted to buy THIS t-shirt...

NOW I want to buy this one, and LIVE by its words...

When I got home from Girls Night Out I wrote a few things down for me to read and remind myself of my new found EPIPHANY... (I am a visual person)
If THAT is what you think of me,
 then you don't even know me.
And that is a shame because you can keep on thinking that. . . my life will go on. . .
I am a COOL person. I am a GOOD friend. I am SO FUN to have around.
If you don't want to get to know me, then it really is your loss...
I am going to TRY to get over my worries about what "other people think" WHY would I really care anyways. I know who I am.


Lindsey and Jared said...

Good for you Melissa! :) This is a lesson I need to learn...

LIZ said...

I really like that quote on the shirt. Gotta write it down and remember!