Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Stand Ye In Holy Places Craft

This year the L.D.S. Youth Theme is:
"Stand ye in Holy Places and be not moved"
I love Love LOVE this theme. Not only is it a perfect reminder for the youth of what they need to be doing, but it is a WONDERFUL helpful reminder for me!!
I found this adorable poster that I plan on incorporating in the girls Birthday Presents for the year...
Needless to say; we wanted the kids to REALLY understand the concept. My counselors and I talked about what we could do to start the year off on the right foot, and we decided we wanted the girls to make something that speaks to them...
So we bought some Plain White T's and I brought my collection from home and we let them CRAFT AWAY!!
The girls made some AMAZING shirts and they also learned about some new and fun products that they had never seen before...

and of course we had the good old Puffy Paint...

These girls REALLY DO amazing work!! 
I am going to LOVE working with these girls this year!!

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