Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Break Vacation ~ Bird House

After being at my parents, we headed to the Bird's in Stockton. The main purpose for the visit was to see Melissa (Matt's Sister) and her husand Nathan Imel. But we were lucky enough to catch up with Kevin Matt's little brother too.
The first night we were there we headed to AT&T park for the Giants vs. A's game. We went on a Thursday so it would not be so crowded in San Francisco. We decided to take BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) to the game from Pleasanton. I do not recommend this form of transportation to people with young children. The kids enjoyed it for a little bit, but they were quite restless, and I did not have a carseat to buckle them into. . .  We made it to the game, and to our seats at the VERY top! We were worried it was going to be FREEZING, but we were perfectly protected from the wind up there! Here is the view from our seats.
Landon got to sit with Uncle Nate and Aunt Melissa until he fell asleep later in the game...
Then he slept on me. I did not mind one bit!! ~ He kept me warm!
Hailey tried to go on the Coca-Cola Bottle slide, but she was too short. I guess she was able to go in the Mini Ballpark area and hit some Baseballs off a Tee. She LOVED the game!
We wore our ORANGE and BLACK to cheer for the Giants, but they lost the game. They played the A's the next two days and won... too bad we went to the wrong game! I think we all enjoyed it!
The next day the girls went shopping and the boys had the kids. I sure am thankful for the time I get away from my kids. It was nice to shop without worrying where me kid had ran off too. I was able to pick up some PJ's for Landon that we needed on clearance! I Love Baby Gap PJ's!
Then on Saturday we visited with Grandma and Grandpa Bird, and we colored Easter Egg's.
Hailey LOVED going to her Great Grandma Bird's because she pulled out Easter candy and cookies. It made me remember visiting my Grandma Smith's House. She always had speical treats for us, and it just felt SO good to have a Grandma spoil us! I did not take pictures at Grandma Birds house, but I should have. The kids played with a race car track while Matt and Nate played with a cool toy gun! Fun Times! But I did get pictures of the Egg Coloring ~
This was a first for Hailey. She enjoyed it very much. She really loved the apron Grandma put on her! After the Egg's dried we went on a little easter egg hunt in the front yard. Nate, Matt and I laughed every time she found another egg because she threw them in her bucket without any worry about breaking them! :)
It is fun to experience new things with Hailey. She is growing and learning so much every day, I have to sit back and take these things in.
We had a great dinner that night with all the family (minus Chirs, Erin, and Rylie who were in North Carolina checking out a possible job and move for the family) and enjoyed the time together. Our kids are so lucky!! I LOVED seeing my kids interact with their Aunts and Uncles. Nate was always playing with the kids. If I lost track of Landon I always found him in Uncle Nate's arms. And while Kevin was visiting he played with the kids throwing them up in the air and laughing with them. It reminded me of how the kids interact with my siblings. We don't get to see Matt's siblings as often, so I really enjoy these special moments.
We headed home that night so we would be home for Easter. It was a perfect trip shared with the people we love the most! ~ THANKS BIRD-IMEL FAMILY FOR THE FUN TIMES! ~

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