I HATE church right now. No, I am not going inactive, and YES I still believe the church is true... but I HATE going right now. Let me explain why...
We attend a small building, and there are TWO wards that go there.
There is not enough room to overlap, so when one church starts at 9:00 am the other one is going to start at 12:30 pm...
YEAH, this year my ward meets at 12:30 pm.
For some people this is not a big deal; you get to sleep in longer on Sunday, and you don't have to rush the morning to get ready...
But for people like me it is HORRIBLE!!
You see I have a TWO year old... he eats right around noon and then naps around one... when church is during both of these times you don't always have the best little two year old on the block... LUCKILY this little two year old gets to go to Nursery which is a class where they just play with toys, and color and have fun, so it is a little easier of a transition...
Now, I ALSO have a THREE and a half year old. THIS child has to go to Primary. She just graduated from Nursery which is SO fun and enjoyable to her and now she has to sit still and listen for almost two hours... Not only is this a difficult transition for her, but she also sometimes takes naps during this time, and has to eat lunch too...
The first week she cried so much about wanting to go play with the toys in nursery by the time I got her to calm down and go sing songs during Singing Time she fell asleep in my arms. The second week she did better and would sit OK, but was running circles in class when I went to pick her up... this last week she was NOT my favorite person to say the least; she would not sit down, she would not listen, she did not follow directions... She is her father's daughter. I WISH she was more like me as a child, I was too worried to stir up too much trouble, but a "good old daddy jeans" make her feel invincible!! Luckily these little kids have an AMAZING set of teachers, and they will eventually learn the schedule and follow it, but this learning curve is making Sunday a very stressful day for this little mother...
My prayers go out to the Primary Teachers EVERYWHERE that deal with this on a weekly basis...
I only wish her transition could have been on a year that we attend 9:00am church... this is going to kill me...
We just suffered through a year of 1 pm church. This year we have 9 am and are LOVING IT!!!! To be honest during those 1 pm years, I go because I have a testimony. That's it. Yes, I love church, but how I wish we could "choose" when we could go. But, I guess we are to make sacrifices, right?
I feel your pain sister. We just got bumped to 3:00. Yup. It's pitch black when we get done. We have to draw the curtains in YW's b/c people can see inside but we can't see out- creepy. Why can't we all just go at 9???
I hear your pain. Lunch/nap time is the worst!
I wish our wards didn't over lap. Instead I have to sit in the hall to feed Evan during sacrament meeting because the mother's lounge is always full and ALL the classrooms are in use. ARGH! I wish the women who got out of their callings because they have a baby and it's hard on them would wait until I'm watching their beast children in nursery to feed their baby....can't tell I'm just a little bitter can you?!? :)
I know how you feel. We're on the 12:30 time too and I hate it. Yesterday the kids were lucky they made it to church alive. Morning church is so much nicer.
Believe it or not the little ones feel the spirit and know going to church is important to you. But sometimes Sundays are a very different kind of day of rest. I tell young mothers, "Congratulations for making it through Sacrament Meeting! Yah, moms don't get a whole lot out of church until the whole lot is happily going to nursery/Primary. I had a steady stream of preschoolers for 21 YEARS. ; )
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