Sunday, August 16, 2009

Deceptively Delicious ~ Donuts

Have you heard of this book?

More Importantly... Do you OWN this book??You can borrow mine if not because this book is AMAZING! ~ I bought this book because I was having a hard time getting Hailey to eat her veggies. She will eat ANY fruit, but veggies are not her favorite. Corn and Green Beans were the ONLY things she would eat, so I got this book because Jessica Seinfield teaches us all to SNEAK veggies or fruits into everyday foods...

Today Sharon my little sister and I made Donuts.... that is right DONUTS people! The donuts have a pumpkin and sweet potato puree in the mix...

Yeah, they taste BETTER than they look!!
Just ask Little Boy Landon... He was VERY interested in getting this Yummy Goodness into his tummy...
But don't take it away from him... he might get upset...


LIZ said...

Oh, I could go for one of those right now! I'll be keeping an eye out for that recipe book, thanks!

Unknown said...

oooooooooooo I want that recipe. Do you fry them? Or bake them? I need that book! Can you get it anywhere?

Kristen said...

Camie has been so picky about veggies for awhile... I need to get this book! Actually, Eric gets a little picky with anything other than corn... so this would help him, too! : ) LOL

Anonymous said...

Brian says "No wonder Landon is so rolly polly they feed him donuts!" Anyways did you get the donut pan for these, they look good.

Bird is the Word said...

YOU BAKE them! YEAH! BAKE THEM! They are SO good, and I need to get the pans! I borrowed my mom's while my sister was here visiting! The book is at Target! ~