Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Induce . . .

So my oldest sister Tiffany is being induced today. I find it hard to have HAPPY THOUGHTS for her because I remember the PAIN that is childbirth . . .
  I never even made it to my due date, lt alone an induction date with either of my babies.
I had both babies THREE weeks early, and I am VERY thankful for that.
My poor sister hits her Due Date then has to wait for her Induction date... I am glad we are different in this way!

The nasty weather today is keeping my inside, and all I can think about is my sister having her baby...
GOOD LUCK TIFFANY! I hope baby Evan is good to you!


Kara said...

That picture is cracking me up, in a very creepy way :)

Tiffany said...

All went well...it's a good thing they induced me...8 lbs and 8 oz. Evan is a big, little boy...never would have made it through those hips of yours! :)