Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy Birthday Preston!!

Or should I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY PREPON!!~~ (that is what Landon calls him)
Preston is my BABY BROTHER and he is my FAVORITE brother. (he is my only brother, but I am sure he would still be my favorite) He is a natural athlete and he is super smart! He is a SENIOR at Natomas High School and is currently enjoying his last Baseball Season. He recently learned that he was accepted at BYU-Idaho and is stoked to attend College. He just turned in his paperwork to become an Eagle Scout as well and to be completly Honest; we could not be more proud of this guy!!

Preston Bryan Andersen ~ Senior Picture
Dear Preston,

You are the BEST little (big) brother a sister could ever ask for. You are an amazing student and overall wonderful person. You are growing up SO fast, yet doing it SO well! You have accomplished so much in these last few years that it makes me smile when I think about you!
You are an amazing Uncle, always willing to help with the kids and play with them. And I know Matt enjoys having another brother to hang out with and have fun. Thank you for the joy you bring to my little bird family!!
You are the perfect example of what I want my little boy to look up to! Thank You for being polite, and respectful, and helpful. I hope my "loving ways of telling you how it is" has come across in the right way. I have seen you be a wonderful date and I hope the girls that you take out are treated that way.
I am excited for you to go away to get your Eagle Scout, go away to college, go on a mission and eventually get married. I love having you around and being around you. Thank you for choosing the right and being a good example to those around you.
You are a STUD and I love you more than you will ever know!~
LOVE ~ Melissa

(your FAVORITE sister of course! HAHA)


Lindsey and Jared said...

Oh Preston, who would have thought the little nugget I held as a baby would turn into such an awesome person! Especially considering all the crap we put him through! lol

Anonymous said...

So you're really excited for him to go away huh. I love you to Preston and hope you had a great birthday.