Sunday, October 5, 2008

Conference Weekend ~

I always seam to get SOMETHING out of General Conference. For those of you who have NO idea what I am talking about ~ twice a year (April and October) we as Latter Day Saints listen to talks given by Leaders of our church on topics that we ALL NEED. Some people go to Church Buildings to hear the messages, others are able to hear the messages at home. There are 4 sessions.. two on Saturday and two on Sunday.

I wanted to start this post on Saturday, but I knew that something would touch me on Sunday that I better wait! Oh my goodness! All I can say is that I am happy that I am going to get the Ensign in a month so I can REMEMBER all the great things that were said.

I think my favorite message was from Ballard.... the contrasts at the end of his message hit me SO hard! We were not asked to leave our house and belongings and travel across the country..... Oh the LOVE and admiration I have for our pioneers! And then President Monson was SO eloquent, (first session on Sunday) Listening to him talk, I know I have a testimony that he is our true prophet, and no matter what is going on around me; I need to strive to follow his counsel. And then Nelson talking about marriage... that was needed living in California with all we are fighting for!

I really hope that you were able to hear a message that touched your heart as I was able to!! I love that there is always something that I have been trying to learn about or been struggling with that is covered in these two days! Let us all prepare for tomorrow by doing today! ~

My husband was teasing that we should fast forward through the "commercials" or the Music... I know he was partly kidding, but I am so thankful for the messages that music has in our lives as well! I caught myself crying almost at every song! Blessings! ~


Unknown said...

I too had a great experience with conference. The messages were all very timely, especially those of hope and unity.

Ally said...

I really loved what Elder Wirthlin said about try laughing first, instead of getting uptight about things.

I thought this was a really interesting Conference. They all are, but it just felt different to me.

Enjoyed your thoughts! ;-)