Monday, August 2, 2010

Road Rash...

So Target was having a 75% off Sale with Kids Toys, so I decided I could get some Christmas Shopping done, and let the kids pick out a cheap toy for being good this week... I don't like taking the kids shopping alone because I feel like they tag team me. They run opposite ways while shopping and I have to choose which child to chase first. It is hard with two kids so close in age and SO fast... anyways...
We head to Target and I got some DEALS! YESSS! But this post is not about my deals, it is about my sweet little girl...
After we purchased our fun things we were headed to the car. I have my beautiful Coach Diaper bag on one arm (this sucker is like a baby to me, and it almost weighs as much as my baby too...) and Landon is in the other arm. Hailey was walking next to me to cross the road, but the second we go across the street to the parking slots she darted off for the car. I yelled to her "Hailey come and hold mommy's hand no running from mommy." She looks back at me and gives me the classic "Hailey SMUG look" and proceeds to run from me... not TWO steps after her SMUG look she trips... and she falls. It was one of those SLOW MOTION falls that you see coming, and she did not have time to get her hands under her so she face plants... on the pavement...
She gets herself up and just starts BAWLING. I hurry over to her, and I can see she is really hurt. I mentioned to her that this is why mommy did not want you to run off. Sometimes we get hurt when we don't listen to our mommies... So I proceed to pick her up with my arm that is currently holding the diaper bag (THANK YOU Jillian Michales 30 day shred for getting my arm muscles ready for this part of parenting) and we head to the car. All I have to clean it with is Wipes. The burned, poor little girl. They WHOLE ride home she kept saying " Mommy I Hurt!!"
THIS is what it looks like. I have been putting Neosporin on it constantly, that is why is it all shiny in the picture. I worry that all the people seeing her that do not know me think I beat her. My real friends just asked "What did Hailey do?" They know how crazy she can be. I think she learned to listen to mommy, luckily she let me make it better and we took a nap together after all the drama!!
This made me think of all the times I did not listen to "my parents" either earthly or heavenly. They have my best interest in mind, and they know the things I want to do are going to hurt me... why are kids SO stubborn and strong-willed?
I am thankful I am able to listen now. I am thankful I am an adult and understand there are consequences to my actions. I really never got that as a kid... maybe that is why my daughter does the things she does...
I hope this little booboo heals fast, and we can learn from it... BOTH of us! :)


Kristen said...

Oh poor little girl! I saw that picture and I thought, "Ouch!! That looks like it hurts really bad!"

Good job looking for the lessons to be learned. I need to do that more.

The Jensens said...

Oh no! Poor Hailey!! I will have to make you something and see if that helps with her staying by your side :-)

Unknown said...

ooo ouch. I didn't see her at church Sunday, just you taking her out of Sacrament Meeting. But you know, that IS what happens when kids don't listen to their mommies :-)

Marc and Stacy said...

Poor little sweetheart! I have one of those independent girls myself. It's good that they learn lessons, but its so hard to watch them "trip and fall" and have to get back up again. And we'll have to watch them do that physically, emotionally and spiritually so much. It's hard. It's scary. That's parenting. You're doing a great job Melissa!!! Give Hailey all better kisses for us.

Tiffany said...

Poor thing...the boys haven't gotten road rash that bad yet...just a couple chipped front teeth...oh, yeah Logan and Owen. Parenting is so fun!