Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Summer Hair ~

Does anyone else have to get a new hair cut or hair do for the summer months?
Am I the only one who thinks after being outside in 75 degree weather last week...
"WHOA I better cut my hair soon to get ready for the real heat!"
Here I am in the bathroom trying to get a good view of all angels of the "New Do!"
The side view... WHY does my auto camera think I needed that flash??
The front view... wow I need to clean my mirror again... haha!
This it My Hubby's View... I think I like it the best.

I went for the SHORT and BLONDE hair...
Carissa Hosford does my hair, and I have NEVER been disapointed with her work. I went to a beauty school when I was living in Sacramento and the girl chopped my hair... needless to say I VOWED to only let Carissa cut my hair after that! THANKS CARISSA!
My Summer Hair THANKS you too!!


AngelaBeth said...

Ooolala! Hot mama!

Unknown said...

I love it. I've been thinking of going short for a while now and I think you just inspired me. I've been growing my hair for soooo long for locks of love and if I cut it about your length, that's right around 12 inches to donate. That's enough don't you think? :-) Anyway, I love it! Is Carissa still working at JCPenny's?

LIZ said...

I agree! I'm getting the itch to chop mine off too! Did you get some color, because it looks good.

Kristen said...

It's very cute Melissa. I've never really been brave enough to go too short for summer... I'm afraid I'll look like a dork with super short hair. So I opt for ponytails a lot.

But I love your hair, especially the colors!!