Monday, July 19, 2010

Embarrassed Much??

We went to the Riverpark Farmer's Market, and LOVED getting fruits and veggies to enjoy...
It was a nice carefree trip UNTIL we were walking back to the car...
Hailey has been REALLY good about letting me know she need to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately for this day, she decided to look both Matt and I in the face while walking and PEE...
This was not just a little stran of pee either... it was as if she opened up the flood gates and LET GO...
I am not sure if you can see in this picture, but this is the trail she left behind her...
What makes this EVEN better is that we were talking to a father of twins AS she did it...
he was trying not to laugh, but all we could think to do was laugh.
I had to turn around a take this picture... it makes for a good story when she gets older and starts dating.

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